Tuesday, January 14, 2014

videos on POP surgery and vaginal mesh
not for the faint of heart !!


Transvaginal mesh is used to treat various health conditions cause by weakened pelvic muscles. The FDA categorizes mesh products into four categories:

  #  Non-absorbable synthetic. This type of mesh is considered a permanent implant because it will remain in the body indefinitely. More than half of all mesh products approved by the FDA fall into this category. These products are made from synthetic materials like plastic or polyester. Polypropylene is the most popular material for manufacturers, and 91 percent of non-absorbable synthetic mesh is made of this plastic.
    #Absorbable synthetic. Absorbable mesh loses strength and degrades over time and is not intended as a long-term treatment. Ideally, the patient’s new tissue growth at the implant site helps to keep the repair strong.
    #Biologic. These mesh products are natural and derived from animal tissue that has been specially disinfected for implanting in the human body. These products degrade over time and are usually made from cow (bovine) or pig (porcine) tissue.
    #Composite. This mesh is made from a combination of any of the above three categories.

Manufacturers weave synthetic mesh materials together in several different shapes, depending on their intended use. When the fibers are woven together, pores are created on the surface of the material. According to the FDA, lightweight, large-pore mesh reduces the body’s inflammatory response.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when organs sag or fall into the vaginal canal because of weak pelvic muscles. Transvaginal mesh serves as a hammock beneath the organs to hold them up. Usually, the bladder, uterus, rectum or bowel is involved in the prolapse; the bladder is the most common organ affected. Depending on the organs involved, surgeons may place the piece of mesh on the front, back or top wall of the vagina. The type of mesh used also varies in shape and size.

This type of surgery is usually performed transvaginally. In fact, three out of four surgeries to treat POP with mesh were done transvaginally in 2010.

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)
Stress urinary incontinence occurs when the bladder leaks urine during moments of increased physical activity that increases pressure on the bladder. The mesh is used to support the urethra when pelvic muscles weaken.

Surgical treatment of SUI with mesh – usually called a bladder sling or vaginal tape – is the most common type of surgery used to correct the condition, and 80 percent of SUI mesh surgeries in 2010 were done through the vagina. Doctors use transvaginal placement of bladder slings because it is considered less invasive and the incisions are smaller.

After a hysterectomy, some women suffer from vaginal vault prolapse – where the vagina collapses in upon itself because of the removal of the uterus. Mesh is surgically implanted on the top of the vagina and sewn into connective tissues to hold the vagina in place.
Transvaginal Mesh Revision Surgeries...Transvaginal mesh has a high rate of revision surgeries. This is surgery to repair the repair...tighten or reduce the tension of the mesh or 'hammock'.


Transvaginal Mesh Erosion
Transvaginal mesh erosion occurs when the mesh erodes or passes through the vaginal wall. This causes bleeding, severe pain, infection and nerve damage. When the jagged edges of the mesh erode through tissue and are visible, this is called exposure.

Transvaginal Mesh Organ Perforation
After mesh erodes through the vaginal wall, it can also harm other organs. Organ perforation occurs when the sharp edges of mesh cut into or perforate nearby organs such as the bladder. This can cause serious damage and requires surgery to correct.
Other complications can include:
Pain,Recurrence of prolapse or incontinence,Nerve damage,Vaginal scarring,Infection,Vaginal bleeding,shrinkage,Emotional problems,Painful sexual intercourse  

However, because synthetic surgical mesh was designed to stay in the body indefinitely, removal of the mesh is extremely difficult. The blood vessels and tissues grow around the mesh, requiring doctors to remove it in pieces, one surgery at a time....multiple surgeries are required due to the invasive nature of the surgery.

 Unfortunately, revision surgery doesn’t guarantee that all symptoms will disappear.

Doctors who specialize in transvaginal mesh revision surgery are called urogynecologists. Urogynecologists receive special training in pelvic floor disorders like prolapse and incontinence and are experienced in performing revision surgeries.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

considering surgery using transvaginal mesh for stress urinary incontinence? The FDA sent out letters to the manufactures of surgical mesh in September of 2011 to determine the safety of using vaginal mesh in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse..kinda like the fox asking the hes what is good for the hens?
The FDA decided NOT to look at the larger kits used for TOT and TVT...hmmm..and to focus its investigation on the use of the smaller slings where 'safety and efficacy' have yet to be determined. After all the big slings have been used in 100's of thousands of women with no complications...yeah.

Now, it appears , that those doctors who were so adamant about the safety of the surgical mesh...
are still advocating use of the mesh IN CERTAIN CASES. Well, I hope you DONT qualify ...and can avoid all the pain with implanting vaginal mesh in your body, and then go through the agony of having it removed..like this ( VERY graphic )

check this out..click here for additional info 

using the transvaginal mesh to correct POP....bladder falling into the vagina...has proven to be a danger to all women who use this process
What is a Transvaginal Mesh?

In short, Transvaginal literally means "through the Vagina"
According to Wikipedia Transvaginal Mesh is meant to treat "stress urinary incontinence", often caused by weak pelvic floor muscles.

Millions of women in the United States suffer from conditions that are caused by the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. Whether this weakening is caused by childbirth, aging or other causes, it can lead to a variety of serious medical problems. The majority of women who suffer from weakened pelvic floor muscles develop stress urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse. These conditions have affected women for centuries, but new medical advancements are being made all the time. The use of transvaginal mesh seemed promising at first, but it's now clear that this seemingly effective option actually hurts far more than it helps.